School reconstruction began in 2010 and was completed within only 8 months in 2011
Old school building was demolished and the new one was built. The new building is two time bigger than the old one was. Also there was another building constructed as the sport complex just next to the main one and they were connected with underground pass
Several companies took part in the reconstruction as the subcontractors. NVC scope was as follow:
MEP works (including boiler room design, supply and construction)
HVAC system design and installation
Networking and Telephony systems design, supply and installation
Public Announcement system design, supply and installation
Security room layout design and implementation
CCTV system design, supply and installation
Access control system design, supply and installation
Electronic library software design and implementation
Museum of Heydar Aliyev and school museum control system design, supply and installation
"Smart Boards" equipment supply and installation
Computers, projectors, switches, routers and other hardware supply and installation
Centralized control systems design, supply and installation for school meeting rooms.
Wooden doors and walls decoration manufacturing
NVC LLC also created the video, showing the reconstruction process and during the opening ceremony it was presented to the President of Azerbaijan Republic.
Everything was completed in time and was highly appreciated by the government of our Republic.